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有关文化差异在职开题报告范文 和从文化差异的角度看英汉颜色表达的翻译相关在职开题报告范文

分类:论文范文 原创主题:文化差异论文 发表时间: 2024-02-16



(湖南省衡阳县实验学校 421200)

摘 要:本文介绍了颜色、翻译和文化的定义,分析了不同颜色词含义不同的原因,并就如何正确翻译英汉颜色表达方法进行了探讨,由此得出结论.

关键词:English; Chinese; color term; cultural difference; translation







(1)Perception:Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of our world. Our perceptions give meaning to all those external forces.

Because the ability of perception is partly learned and therefore influenced by all of our past experiences, the result of the perception process is not the same for all people although the physical mechani of perception is the same. This fact alone would make communication difficult even between people with similar backgrounds. Culture provides us with a perceptual lens that greatly influences how we interpret and evaluate what we receive from the outside world.

Under different cultural backgrounds, different color words are used to modify things even with the same reference in both English and Chinese, and this is because people speaking the two languages are possibly different in their color orientation. For example, in Chinese we say “红茶”, but in English the equivalent expression is “black tea”. One account for this difference is that Chinese people pay attention to the red color of the water, while the Englishmen are inclined to put their eyes on the black color of the tea when it is dry. Speakers of English and Chinese perceive the physical world differently.

Likewise, people in English-speaking countries usually use the color term “yellow” and “green” to modify one’s psychological state of “jealousy” as in “yellow with envy” and “green with envy” while Chinese people are more accustomed to the use of “眼红”. To refer to a bruise, native speakers of English say “black and blue” while Chinese people say “青一块,紫一块”.All these examples show the differences in perception. This sets difficulty in the process of translating, thus we should bear these differences in mind and try to find out the cultural equivalents in the target language.

(2)National Psychology:Color terms contain different national features in Chinese and English, because people in these two cultures he differences in national psychology, which comes from the fact that two peoples he different past experiences and cultural traditions.

“白眼(supercilious look)” expresses despite or dissatiaction to others. In Wei and Jin Dynasties, Ruan Ji (阮籍) was proud and unrestrained. In those troubled times, he never judged others’good or evil easily, instead he used “青白眼(forable or supercilious looks)” to see the people whom he liked or disliked.

Politics influence some usage of color terms in a way. In China, especially, some color terms carry the obvious political tendency. “红” is a case in point. In the revolutionary time, “红” symbolized “revolution” as in “红色政权(Red Political)”, and “红色根据地(Revolutionary Basic)”; “白(while)” implies “decadence” and “reaction” as in”白区(White Area)” and “白军(the White Army)”. In the Cultural Revolution, “红”was used more politically, such as “红卫兵(Revolutionary)”. As a symbol for capitali, “白” was used in such expressions as “白专道路( not loyal and professional )”. And”黑”was used to refer to reactionary, such as “黑帮(reactionary gang)” and “黑社会(the underworld)” and so on.

(3) Religion:“黄” in China means “auspicious”. The Chinese expression“黄道吉日”means a lucky day which is a supernatural theory. It was said that there were six auspicious Gods. When they are on duty, everything will be ooth. Thus these days were called“黄道日”. “黄气” is supernaturally regarded as the auspicious atmosphere.

Purple as a noble color is rooted in Taoi. It is said that the Jade Emperor(玉皇大帝) lives in the palace Ziwei of the heen; “紫书”is Taoist classics; “紫极”, “紫府”and “紫房” are all the places where the supernatural beings live. Purple may also mean “auspicious” and “glorious”, which comes from the idiom “紫气东来”. It was said that when Laozi(老子) went out of Han Gu Guan(函谷关) ,an official named Xi(喜) guarding the strategic pass saw the purple atmosphere coming from the east and knew a sage would pass. After a while, Laozi really came, riding a cow. Later, scholars use “紫气东来” to express the hope of auspiciousness and glory.

In China, “红豆” is a love taken, but in English, a red bean is the symbol for stupidity. This connotation comes from the Bible, in which Essau sold his right as the first born son to his younger brother Jacob just for red bean stew.



(1)Literal Translation:

Literal translation is that you convey the original meaning, which expresses form and syntactic structure of translation as much as possible consistent with the original, and tried to complete equivalence. Mainly, it is used in the cultural similarities between the source language and the target language, in the case, it caused the same association. In translation, some words can find the corresponding color words in the target language; some words he similar cultural implication in the target language. For example,

“赤橙黄绿青蓝紫, 谁持彩练当空舞?”Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, who is dancing, wing the colored ribbon against the sky?

When describe the rainbow, the basic meaning of color words is the same between the source text and the target text, in general, we use the literal translation. In addition to English words, red, red flag, red carpet, green, green tea, green lees etc. we can also find the corresponding word or phrase in Chinese, we can use literal translation.

(2)Free Translation:

Free translation refers to that through the understanding and digestion for the deep meaning of the original, then break and reform the surface structure of original, finally, traner to the surface structure of natural and ooth on target text: in other words, it breaks the shell of the language, then digs out the true meaning. And the translation can be divided into a variety of kinds. This paper introduced two kinds of free translation: cultural equivalence translation and functional equivalence translation.

In addition to correspond each other, the meaning of color words is different between English and Chinese under the different cultural background. Different cultural heritage endow the color terms with different connotation, and resulted to the different pragmatic meaning of color words. In English and Chinese, sometimes, we use different color words to express the same color things. When we translate the color words, we should pay attention to the use habit of color words on different national culture, and oid to the literal translation. This is cultural equivalence translation. The definition refers to that the color words is the basic meaning in the source text, but the target text is used to another word to express the same color.




1、 英汉成语的文化差异与其翻译策略 一.引言成语既是文化的产物,又是文化的镜子,映照出社会历史文化的变迁 由于地理环境、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、历史背景……方面的差异,英汉成语承载着两种不同的文化信息,因而在翻译成语的过程中务必充分注重其文.

2、 英美文化差异对英美文学评论的影响分析 英美文化差异对英美文学评论的影响分析张佳宇 警官学院摘 要不同国家、种族的人在文化差异的影响下对待同一作品有着不同看法和理解,这也导致对于同一作品的文学评论大不相同 基于此,本文从英美文化中语言、内.

3、 民族文化差异在英美文学评论中的影响 摘要“民族的就是世界的”民族文化的差异也可以看成是世界文化的差异,也就是东西方文化的差异 东西方文化的差异对我们的影响从衣食住行到文化领域都能体现出来,文学作品和文学评论受两者.

4、 英美文化差异对英美文学评论的影响 摘 要英国和美国都是以英语为母语的国家,但是作为老牌资本主义的英国和年轻的资本主义国家的美国由于地理位置、历史传统……各方面的差异导致其文学评论呈现出不同的风貌,本文旨在浅析英美文学的特点,同时分析英.

5、 英汉句型差异对比 赵越 中北大学高震宇 云南民族大学摘 要众所周知,英语和汉语两种语言分属不同语系,因此二者之间必定存在方方面面的差异 笔者作为一名语言学习者,在学习过程中对此深有体会,从语法到时态、从结构到思维…… .

6、 英美文学评论中文化差异的作用分析 摘 要文学作品是社会发展历程的结晶和重要表现形式,文学评论是对文学作品的解读和剖析 受文化差异的影响,不同民族文化背景的人对同一部文学作品的理解会有所不同 本文从英美文学的发展特点和英美文学评论概述入.