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Living near a constant source of water,bald eagles feed on fish , ducks , snakes and turtles. They will also eatrabbits and dead animals. With their acute sense of sightand powerful claws,bald eagles attack their prey by swooping (俯冲 ) down on it at an angle. They can reach speeds of up t0 160 km/hr when driving. Once they cap- ture their target , they use their hooked beak to pull fresh out before eating it.

Bald eagles can reach great heights when flying. Us- ing thermal convection currents ( xt流 ) , they can climbup t0 3,000 m in the air. They can soar for hours usingthese currents. When cruising,they can fly about 65km/hr. In addition,if their water source freezes,baldeagles may use thermal convection currents to migrate inthe winter.

Preferring to make their homes in large trees nearbodies ofwater (both fresh and salt) ,bald eagles buildenormous nests out of sticks. Generally speaking,theirnests are at least half a meter deep and l.5 m across butcan be bigger. These giant nests he been known toweigh up t0 900 kg.

A mating pair produces up to three eggs a year, though it is not likely that all three will survive. Both par- ents take turns hatching the eggs. While one is hatching , the other searches for food or more nesting materials.

In 2007,the bald eagles was removed from endan-gered and threatened species list kept by the UnitedStates Fish and Wildlife Service. In addition, IUCN´sRed List currently considers the bald eagle as a speciesofleast concern of extinction. Their succesul recoveryis due to years of conservation efforts along with the ban on the pesticide (衣药 )DDT in 1972. While bald eagleshe few natural enermes and are no longer consideredendangered,threats still exist to the bald eagle,includ-ing habitat loss. As people move to the shores,they arecutting down trees and forcing eagles to make theirhomes elsewhere. Illegal hunting is another threat.

1. What does the first paragraph focus on?

A. Bald eagles´ habitat.

B. Bald eagles´ hunting skill.

C. Bald eagles´ living habits.

D. Bald eagles´ body structure.

2. From the text ,we can know that____.

A. three eagle eggs will be hatched and grow uptogether

B. the mating pair take on their own differenthousework

C. the bald eagle parents equally take on par-enting their babies

D. the female bald eagle is more responsible thanthe male one

3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. The fate of bald eagles is overlooked by IUCN.

B. Bald eagles are no on the edge ofextinction.

C. DDT used to cause a big threat to bald eagles.

D. The fate of bald eagles took a turn for the worsein 1972.








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