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分类:硕士论文 原创主题:英文论文 发表时间: 2024-03-21


(1)An Analysis of the Paradox of Kant’s Views about Sensitive Arbitrary WillLiu Qingping

From his normative standpoint of rationali, Kant crosses the boundary between “is” and “ought”, and divides the free will in the desire dimension into two by virtue of the distinction between sensitivity and reason in the cognitive dimension. Then according to the dichotomy between freedom and necessity, he obscures the inherent logic of sensitively arbitrary will, which can only pursue good and oid evil, and regards it as something randomly pursuing good or evil. As a result, he attributes people’s responsibilities for their own acts merely to their intellectual characters rather than their free will, and eventually distorts the truth of people’s arbitrary acts by some logical fallacies of conceptual confusion, self-contradiction, and skipping reasoning.

(2)Comparative Research on High Quality Development of Urbanization between China and

Japan——Based on Empirical Analysis of China and Japan(1985-2014)Ding Jianghui

To construct comprehensive evaluation system of urbanization development quality, urban function is regarded as perspective and main thread, Analytic hierarchy process etc., are taken as research methods. Through steps such as data processing, judgement matrix constructing and consistency check and so on, urbanization development quality comprehensive evaluation index and specific function index of China and Japan are calculated. Through comparative analysis of index above, it is obtained China’s weak points of urbanization development exists in function of production, consumption, medical care and infrastructure and so on. Considering China’s present situation of high development speed, low quality, high homogeneity. Taking Japan’s experience of government-led gradual, comprehensive, fine development mode for reference, China’s urbanization development path should directed by city function improving and aim for achieving comprehensiveness and harmony.

(3)Perplexing questions in the history of Chinese Influence on Western literature and art

Wang Caiyong

After Millennium, Chinese literature and art he exerted their influence on its western counterparts. This phenomenon gradually draws the attention of Chinese academic world. However, concerned domestic researches appear to be so slogan-generating or boldly assertive that the profoundness within the Chinese literature and cultural cognition has been blurred away. These researches he one character in common where the assertion about the influence has replaced the degree analysis of it. Generally speaking,this influence could be reasonably comprehended by its degree and the method it takes. Without discussions from such angles, the research of this influence would most likely to be reduced into vagueness. During the contemporary history of such influence, western literature and arts he gone through several times of tranormations and reconstructions, which in results he turned its attitudes towards Chinese art for several times, from outwards to inwards, direct to indirect, and even a combination of Chinese and Japanese art. The discourse of “the history of influence” would he been deconstructed if none of the analysis mentioned above were conducted in concerned researches.

(4)Vicissitude and Paradox of Rice Planting in North China——Taking Shanxi as an example

(1949-2010)Zhao Xingsheng

North China has a long history of planting rice, but due to restriction of the natural surroundings, both the planting area and yield are limited. With the establishment of collectivization system and the strategy of tranorming nature & increasing grain yield after 1949, North China promoted rice planting in a large scale, which resulted in a significant increase in the planting area and yield and hit an record high level. However, the rice planting area and yield in this area has declined even to a record low level, since the family-contract responsibility system was applied and more sharply under the industrialization and urbanization developed after the reform and opening-up policy. Shanxi is a typical example of North China, which more attention should be attached to the above issue because of its great theoretical and practical importance. The example of Shanxi shows that the result above is caused by interaction of many factors, including ecology, technology, market, society, politics and so on.

(5)Economic Law Cognition of the Attribute of Social Credit SystemLu Daifu Liu Yunliang

The construction of social credit system involves the regulation of social public policy concepts and systems, which has macro and social attributes. The public character of the social credit system shows that the credit information comes from the data which can reflect the credit status of natural persons, legal persons and other organizations, and can be classified according to law in public and market credit information. Credit economy is essentially a lending economy, and credit policy is a credit leverage tool. The implementation of the credit leverage policy is accompanied by commercial risks, how to formulate a credit policy and build a social credit system can rationally control and resolve their corresponding commercial credit risk is the policy and regulation of social credit. The most important measures to promote and implement the social credit system is to standard, especially to punish the dishonest person and to encourage the trustor through rule-making, which create a good atmosphere of the credit market. Standardizing social public credit information can be synchronized with government governance, rule of law and government power regulation, such as government affairs opening, transparent government, fair administration, and public credibility promotion, which is the core content of social credit system regulation.

(6)Construction of the Prize-giving Whistle-blowing System in China Securities Regulatory

SystemYu Zhifang

Liu Peipei

Financial liberalization, marketization and globalization, as well as emerging financial innovation broadens the scope of securities supervision, which also posed serious challenges to the scarce and limited regulatory resources at the same time. Relying on the market force, let regulators share functions of supervision and law enforcement with society and individuals through material incentive, can help improving regulatory efficiency and quality of service. Learning from the institutional experience of prize-giving whistle-blowing system in other countries, it is recommended to start from the judgment of the legitimacy of the prize-giving whistle-blowing system, establish the judgment standard of the authenticity of the content and the legitimacy of the purpose of the whistle-blowing. Besides, it’s important to make the perfection of specific system and the external protection of the implementation of the system through the rules to enhance the “soft power” of securities regulation.



1、 在学术委员会二届四次会议上的致辞(摘要) 安徽省马鞍山市委常委、组织部长马鞍山市老教委主任 王 炜建设学习型社会、构建终身教育体系是党、国务院的重大战略决策 老年教育是终身教育体系的组成部分,国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010&md.

2、 贵州科技馆科普扶贫措施(英文) Abstract( In&order&to&keepupwiththerapiddevelopmentofscienceandtechnologyandmeettherisingneedsofthep.

3、 青岛德国监狱旧址的保护和利用(英文) Abstract( Qingda Germany Pris n Site is a theme museum which specializes in the relics and the site.

4、 油画史里的文化博弈和民族复兴评《中国油画本土化百年(19002000)》 口胡一峰这几年,20世纪艺术史颇受关注 2017年岁末,人民出版社推出了李昌菊著中国油画本土化百年(19002000) 该书为“中国文艺评论青年文库”首批五种之一,也是本批唯一.

5、 第六次全国县级以上公共图书馆评估定级培训班(郑州站)成功举办 4月12日至14日,由中国图书馆学会主办,河南省图书馆和河南省图书馆学会承办的第六次全国县级以上公共图书馆评估定级培训班(郑州站)在河南省郑州市成功举办 开幕式上,河南省文化厅社会公共文化处处长崔玉山.

6、 我们所面对的文化(主持人语) 我们学术界特指的文化研究虽然热度已经不比当年了,但是当下国际学术界依然对此热度不减 这是因为,在全球持续的文化转向中,国际、国内的社会形态与日常生活越来越走向文化 这种飞速变革的现实不断地向我们提出文.