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英国相关毕业论文开题报告范文 和五室友被英国同一名校录取方面论文范文数据库

分类:职称论文 原创主题:英国论文 发表时间: 2024-03-24


To a group of determined and industrious room-mates,graduation from college means no departure buijust the start of another period of study together,even though it will be in another country.

Among the recently received offers from multipkworld-renowned colleges ,Wang Xin and her four room-mates all chose the University of Bath,which is rankedas the fifth best university in the United Kingdom by thfGuardian, Un,iversity Guide.

The five young women graduated from Anhui Uni-versity of Finance and Economics ,based in Bengbu cit}in East China´s Anhui Province,and majored in ac-counting. In the last fours years ,they shared not only thf same class , but also the same dormitory. They will majoi in accounting and finance in the next year.

Postgraduate study has become more popular amon~ Chinese undergraduates in recent years.

Instead of taking exams for domestic colleges tcreach their goal,the five decided to seek overseas stud}opportunities,even at the beginning of their collegf study, according to Wang.

"Each of us five roommates had applied for multi-ple overseas umversities and received offers from several of them, " said Wang, adding that the University of Bathis the best among them. Xin Danyang,one of the youngwomen said years of great effort made their goal achiev-able. "Take me for example. My study often began before7 a.m. and went till 2 0r 3 a.m. the next morning",Xinsaid.

Among the 52 graduates in their class ,26 receivedoffers from overseas universities and colleges, includingKing´s College London, the University of Bristol andUniversity of Sydney.

1.——is the closest meaning of the underlinedword "departure"?





2. According to the passage ,which of the followingstatementsis TRUE?

A. The five will go abroad to study after highschool.

B. They got the only one offer after they appliedfor universities.

C. Wang Xin always studied for 20 hours or sobefore getting admitted.

[). All the universities mentioned are from thesame country.

3.We can infer that——

A. years of hard work of the five paid off

B. 26 students were admitted to overseas umver-sities and colleges

C. the University of Bath is the fifth best universi-tyin the world

D. they will not learn the exact same major in thefuture


1.答案为B.词义猜测题.根据下文but just thestart of another period of study together可知,前后构成反义词.






1、 冲突和融合:当代大学生室友关系实证基于长沙市在校大学生的调查和 胡耀华摘要通过问卷和深度访谈法,对长沙市区8所高校900个调查对象,就当前大学生室友关系的基本状况进行了系统深入的调查 调查发现,性格差异、生活习惯以及思想观念三方面的因素,成为室友关系不和谐、引发室.

2、 无腿女孩被加拿大飞行学校录取等 大家好,我是小主播——喇叭花!我的口号是大事小事天下事,事事播报 想获取最新鲜的新闻资讯快快看过来吧! 无腿女孩被加拿大飞行学校录取 日前,在中因受伤而双腿被截肢的成都高三女孩.

3、 童年室友 文美玛丽莎·卡特编译陈荣生八年前我五岁的时候,就开始倒数我姐姐要几年才会搬出去 请不要误会我,我爱她 我爱她,就像我爱塞满了衣柜的冬衣它们很伟大,当温度低于冰点时,我需要它们给我温暖,但.

4、 该如何要回借给室友的钱 小编好,我是一名大二学生, 有件事情想请教一下 我室友经常不带饭卡,下课去吃饭的时候就跟我说“今天用一下你的饭卡”,一开始我也没多想什么就帮她刷了,但次数实在是太多了,一年多下.

5、 室友(A4) “猴子!”伴随着一声长啸穿过寝室,整栋楼仿佛都微微颤动了一下 原来,陈宏下午上完课,一只脚才跨入寝室门,另一只脚便在半空中死死定住了,原本进门有些狭小的空间此刻突然变得宽敞起来.

6、 被高校录取后爽约将受惩戒!你还敢复读吗 热点聚焦近年来,河南省本科录取不报到考生人数逐年增加,不仅造成招生名额浪费,也影响了一些高校对河南省招生计划的投放 作为全国高考考生竞争最激烈的省份之一,河南2018年首次明确了对违背志愿失信行为的惩.