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关于乔布斯相关毕业论文开题报告范文 与天才少年年轻版乔布斯相关论文范文素材

分类:论文范文 原创主题:乔布斯论文 发表时间: 2024-02-06


在美国曼哈顿开幕的“TED Talks”大会上,12 岁天才少年托马斯·苏亚雷斯对台下观众分享他的创作经验与技术,自信且毫不怯场的神态简直就是年轻版的“乔布斯”.


受史蒂夫·乔布斯以及父母的影响,苏亚雷斯开始学习编程,学习Python、Ja 和C 语言.苏亚雷斯开发了知名的iPhone应用《Bustin Jieber》.如果认为这些还微不足道,那么他去年还创建了自己的公司“CarrotCorp”.


In a recent TEDx Manhattan Beach talk, 6th grade studentThomas Suarez discussed his long interest in technology, how he firstfound it difficult to create apps and how the support of his parents,friends and Apple Store employees helped him to develop iOS appor his company, CarrotCorp. Thomas has created several apps usingthe Software Development Kit from Apple, including a fortunetelling one titled Earth Fortune, an AntiJustin Bieber “Whac AMole”style game called Bustin Jieber and more. He now shares hisprogramming knowledge with other students at a school club.

Hello everyone, my name is ThomasSuarez. I’ve always had a fascination for com-puters and technology and I’ve made a fewapps for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. I’dlike to share a couple with you today.

My first step was a unique Fortune Tellercalled Earth Fortune that will display differentcolors of the Earth depending on what your fortune was.My forite and most succesul app isBustin Jieber [laughs], which is the JustinBieber WhacAMole, I created it because a lotof people at school dislike Justin Bieber a littlebit, so I decided to make the app. So I went towork programming it and released it just beforethe holidays in 2010.

A lot of people asked me how did I makethese, a lot of time it’s because the person whoasked the question wants to make an app also.A lot of kids these days like to play games, butnow they want to make them. And it’s difficultbecause not many kids know where to go tofind out how to make a program. I mean, forsoccer you can go to a soccer team, for violinyou can get lessons for a violin, but what if youwant to make an app and their parents—kidsparents might he done some of these thingswhen they are young, but not many parentshe written apps!

Where do you go to find out how to makean app? Well this is how I approached it, this iswhat I did. First of all, I’ve been programmingin multiple—in other programming which is toget the basics down, such as the Python, C, Ja-va, etc. And then Apple released the iPhone andwith it the iPhone software development kitsoft-ware development kit:SDK. And the softwaredevelopment kit is a suite of tools for creatingand programming an iPhone app. This openedup a whole new world of possibilities for me,and after playing with the software developmentkit a little bit, I made a couple of apps andmade some test apps, one of them happen to beEarth Fortune. And I was ready to put EarthFortune on the App StoreApp Store, and so I persuaded my parents to pay the 99dollarfee tobe able to put my app on the App Store. Theyagreed and now my app is on the App Store.

I got a lot of interest and encouragementfrom my family, friends, teachers and even peo-ple at the Apple Store and that’s been a hugehelp to me. I got a lot of inspiration from SteveJobs, and I started an app club at school and ateacher at my school is kindly sponsoring myapp club, any students on my school can comeand design—learn how to design an app. This isso I can share my experiences with others.

There’s these programs called the iPad Pi-lot Program and some districts he themand I’mfortunate enough to be part of one. A big chal-lenge is how should the iPads be used and whatapps should we put on the iPads? So we’re get-ting feedback from teachers at the school to seewhat kind of apps they like, when we design theapp and we sell it, it will be free to local dis-tricts and other districts that we sell to, all themoney from that will go to the local ED founda-tions.

These days students know—usually know alittle bit more than teachers with the technology.So, sorry, this is a resource to teachers and edu-cators should recognize this resource and makegood use of it.

I’d like to finish up by saying what I’d liketo do in the future. First of all I’d like to createmore apps, more games. I’m working with athird party company to make an app. I’d like toget into Android programming and developmentand I’d like to continue my app club and findother ways for students to share knowledge withothers. Thank you.

大家好,我叫托马斯·苏亚雷斯.一直以来我就为计算机和科技而着迷.我曾给iPhone、iPod Touch和i-Pad编写过一些应用程序.今天我就来给大家展示几个,我编写的第一个应用叫做地球运势,它会根据你的运势改变地球的颜色.

我最满意、最成功的应用程序是比斯汀·贾伯,它是一个恶搞贾斯汀·比伯的打地鼠游戏.我之所以编写这个游戏应用是因为在我的学校里,许多人不是那么喜欢贾斯汀·比伯,于是我就决定开发这个应用,开始编程,并在2010 年暑假到来之前发布了我的作品.


去哪里可以学习编程呢?我是这样做到的,我做了以下这些事.首先,我先学会了像Python、C 语言、Ja编程这些非iOS程序语言,打下了编写程序的基础.之后不久苹果公司推出了iPhone 手机和iPhone 软件开发工具包.iPhone 软件开发工具包是一个创建、编写iPhone 应用的工具,而这把我带进了一个充满无限可能的世界.我小玩了一下iPhone 软件开发工具包后,做了几个应用和测试应用,其中之一就是地球运势.我当时已经很有把握把地球运势放在苹果的应用商店出售,于是我说服我的父母支付进入苹果应用商店所需的99美元.他们同意了,然后我的应用就上线了.


有一种叫iPad Pilot Program的社团组织,一些地区有这类组织,我有幸成为他们当中的一员.现在最大的挑战是如何利用iPad,应该给iPad 安装什么样的程序.为此我们在学校里向老师做了反馈信息调查,看看他们喜欢什么样的应用程序.设计好之后,我们会出售那些应用.本地区的用户可以免费获得,别的地区的用户收费,之中的利润会投入到当地教育基金会.





1、 看品味,就看他的另一半乔布斯的妻子 可卡桑作为这个时代最伟大的几个直男之一,乔布斯是神一样的存在 乔帮主的整个人生履历就是一个大写的牛 但是乔帮主的妻子低调到几乎没有人注意到她的存在 直到丈夫去世后,她继承了丈夫167亿美元的资产,在2.

2、 佐久间的寿司和乔布斯的苹果异曲同工 文 李光斗(电视台品牌顾问、著名品牌战略专家、中国电子商务协会互联网金融委员会首席顾问、华盛智业·李光斗品牌营销机构创始人)产品的外在是形,而内在则是工匠的心 内外兼修是“工.

3、 乔布斯的家啥样子 石毓智乔布斯生前就是世界上最富有的人之一,他去世之后留给太太的资产达221 2亿美元,相当于1400亿元左右人民币 这次,我是怀着一颗崇敬之心,专门寻访乔布斯的家 乔布斯家的正面大门,墙和地面都是用普.

4、 乔布斯18岁时的求职信 山西美食以面食的小吃为主,虽没有国内几大菜系那么名声显赫,但着实有自己的特点 各类美食的名称也别具一格栲栳栳、头脑、稍梅、碗托、羊杂割 光听到这些美食名称,想必就已经让人垂涎欲滴了 到了山西.

5、 我的父亲乔布斯:他把我当做人生中的一个污点 编者按在苹果公司创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯和他的初恋女友克里斯安·布伦南23岁那年,他的长女丽萨·布伦南—乔布斯出生了 拥有一位天才的亿万富翁父亲是种什.

6、 乔布斯是货真价实的天才吗? ◇ 林沛理苹果计算机的乔布斯(Steve Jobs)逝世接近七年,世人对他的崇拜并无减退 西方的媒体、商界和投资者仍然在问下一个乔布斯在哪里这当然是个假问题,真正的含义是乔布斯无可取代 乔布斯在生时人.