快捷分类: 气温开题报告

气温类有关论文范文集 与俄村庄气温超零下71℃方面专升本论文范文

分类:论文范文 原创主题:气温论文 发表时间: 2024-01-22


If you think it is cold where you are in winter, then a visit to Oymyakon, a village of Russian, might change your mind.

With the erage temperature of January standing at -50℃, it is no wonder the village is the coldest permanently inhabited settlement in the world. Known as the “Pole of Cold”, the coldest temperature recorded in Oymyakon was -71.2℃.

This is the lowest recorded temperature of any permanently inhabited location on Earth and the lowest temperature recorded in the Northern Hemisphere.

Nothing grows there so people eat reindeer meat and horsemeat. A single shop provides the town’s bare necessities and the locals work as reindeer-breeders, hunters and ice-fisherman.

Doctors say the reason the locals don’t suffer from malnutrition is that their animals’ milk contains a lot of micronutrients.

Unsurprisingly, locals are hardened to the weather and unlike in other countries, where a flurry of snow brings things grinding to a halt, Oymyakon’s solitary school only shuts if temperatures fall below -52℃.

Daily problems that come with living in Oymyakon include pen ink freezing, glasses freezing to people’s faces and batteries losing power. Locals are said to lee their cars running all day for fear of not being able to restart them.

Even if there was coverage for mobile phone reception, the phones themselves would not work in such cold conditions.

Trel companies offer tourists the opportunity to visit the village and sample life in the freezing conditions.












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