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分类:论文范文 原创主题:由来论文 发表时间: 2024-03-09


1. 圣诞树的由来The Origin of Christmas TreeJust as early Christians recruited Roman pagans by associatingChristmas with the Saturnalia, so too worshippers of the Asheira cult andits offshoots were recruited by the Church sanctioning“ Christmas Trees”.Pagans had long worshipped trees in the forest, or brought them into theirhomes and decorated them, and this observance was adopted and paintedwith a Christian veneer by the Church.

早期基督徒将圣诞节和古罗马农神节(Saturnalia)结合在一起,以此来招募罗马的异教徒为基督教信徒,因此Asheira 的崇拜者及其党羽信徒就被基督教会招募了进来,并且认可了他们的“圣诞树”.当时异教徒们一直都崇拜森林中的树木,他们还把树木拿进自己家里、将其装饰起来,后来教会就吸收采纳了这一仪式,把它变成了基督徒的习俗.

2. 槲寄生的由来The Origin of MistletoeNorse mythology recounts how the god Balder was killed using amistletoe arrow by his rival god Hoder while fighting for the female Nanna.Druid rituals use mistletoe to poison their human sacrificial victim. TheChristian custom of“ kissing under the mistletoe” is a later synthesis of the sexual license of Saturnalia with the Druidic sacrificial cult.

北欧神话讲述了神巴尔德在和其对手神霍德尔争夺一名女性南娜的时候,前者被后者用一支槲寄生箭射死.德鲁伊的仪式会用槲寄生毒死他们用来祭祀的活人.“在槲寄生下接吻(kissing under the mistletoe)”这一基督徒习俗是后来将农神节的性许可和德鲁伊祭祀崇拜综合之后的产物.

3. 圣诞礼物的由来The Origin of Christmas PresentsIn pre-Christian Rome, the emperors compelled their most despisedcitizens to bring offerings and gifts during the Saturnalia( in December)and Kalends (in January). Later, this ritual expanded to include giftgivingamong the general populace. The Catholic Church ge this custom aChristian flor by re-rooting it in the supposed gift-giving of Saint Nicholas.在基督之前的罗马,皇帝会迫使他们最受鄙视的公民在农神节(12 月)和初一节(1 月)的时候带来祭品和礼物.后来,这一仪式扩大成为普通民众之间送礼物的活动.天主教教会给这一习俗披上了基督徒的外衣,重新设定起源,认为这是圣尼古拉斯设立的送礼物活动.

4. 圣诞老人的由来The Origin of Santa Claus

Nicholas was born in Parara, Turkey in 270 CE and later became Bishopof Myra. He died in 345 CE on December 6th. He was only named a saint inthe 19th century.

公历270 年,尼古拉斯出生于土耳其帕拉拉(Parara),随后成为迈拉的主教.他死于公历345 年12 月6 日.他在19 世纪才被任命为圣人.

Nicholas was among the most senior bishops who convened the Councilof Nicaea in 325 CE and created the New Testament. The text they producedportrayed Jews as“ the children of the devil” who sentenced Jesus to death.尼古拉斯是在公历325 年召开尼西亚会议、并创作《新约》的最高级别主教之一.他们创作的文字将犹太人描述为将耶稣判处死刑的“魔鬼的孩子”.

In 1087, a group of sailors who idolized Nicholas moved his bones fromTurkey to a sanctuary in Bari, Italy. There Nicholas supplanted a femaleboon-giving deity called The Grandmother, or Pasqua Epiphania, whoused to fill the children’s stockings with her gifts. The Grandmother wasousted from her shrine at Bari, which became the center of the Nicholas cult. Members of this group ge each other gifts during a pageant theyconducted annually on the anniversary of Nicholas’ death, December 6.

1087 年,一群崇拜尼古拉斯的水手将他的尸骨从土耳其运到了意大利巴里的一个圣所.尼古拉斯取代了一名被称为“奶奶(或者帕卡主显节)”的赐恩女神,后者曾经用她的礼物装满了孩子们的袜子.这位“奶奶”被赶出了她在巴里的神殿,后来那个神殿成为了尼古拉斯崇拜者们的中心.这群人将每年的12 月6 日定为尼古拉斯逝世纪念日,每年在这场盛会上组织成员都会互相赠送礼物.

The Nicholas cult spread north until it was adopted by German and Celticpagans. These groups worshipped a pantheon led by Woden –their chiefgod and the father of Thor, Balder, and Tiw. Woden had a long, white beardand rode a horse through the heens one evening each Autumn. WhenNicholas merged with Woden, he shed his Mediterranean appearance, grewa beard, mounted a flying horse, rescheduled his flight for December, anddonned hey winter clothing.

这种对尼古拉斯的崇拜传播到了北方,被德国和凯尔特异教徒所吸收接纳.这些人崇拜的是由沃登(日耳曼神话中的主神,托儿、巴尔德尔、北欧战神Tiw 的父亲)所领导的众神.沃登留有长长的、白色的胡须,每年冬天的一个晚上都会骑着马飞过天空.当尼古拉斯和沃登融合之后,他摆脱了自己在地中海时候的外貌,留起了胡子、骑着一匹飞马、将每年的飞行日改到了12 月份、还穿起了厚厚的冬装.



1、 清明节的由来与习俗 文 本刊特约撰稿人 王全营只要一说清明节,人人都会脱口而出唐代大诗人杜牧的清明诗“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂 借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村 ”人们喜欢这一首诗,正如周汝昌.

2、 节气习俗,小故事里的大文章 2016年11月30日,联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会将我国申报的“二十四节气”列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录 在国际气象界,这一时间认知体系.

3、 圣诞老人的助理 我忘不了和奶奶过的第一个圣诞节 那时我还是个小孩子,骑着小自行车,疯狂地穿过小镇,向奶奶家飞奔 全因为大姐的一句话 她的一句话就像一颗炸弹投在我平静的心里,她以嘲讽的口气说“傻瓜都知道,根.

4、 颐堤港开启奇妙圣诞特快巡游记 一列梦幻的圣诞特快停靠在复古钟楼、一处惊喜工场装满丰富礼物、一间圣诞邮局让你随时邮寄美好祝福、一处驯鹿车库吸引圣诞老人也前来拍照,还有炫酷的VR互动体验 精彩丰富的圣诞活动,从即日起一直持续到2019.

5、 习俗忆趣麦蚕飘香 “冷蒸——哟!”一声声,一声声,染绿了大街,染绿了小巷,染绿了桥上的人影和水下的云影 农谚道立夏十八朝,家家往家挑 春末夏初,谷雨过后,南通人就开始惦记.

6、 关于海峡两岸均坚持一个中国原则共识的由来 唐树备总书记在党的十九大报告中强调指出“一个中国原则是两岸关系的政治基础 体现一个中国原则的‘九二共识’明确界定了两岸关系的根本性质,是确保两岸关系和平发展的关键 .