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人生有关毕业论文的格式范文 和父亲的眼泪是我人生的救赎类毕业论文题目范文

分类:论文范文 原创主题:人生论文 发表时间: 2024-03-25



Dad is a reserved man of few words but is always gre and strict. What’s more,he is quite different from others in ideas and practices: recklessly cursing and beating orbringing to account his son in the presence of neighbors as he strongly believes in such aprinciple: a dutiful son is the product of the rod, which is deeply ingrained in his mind fromhis own father.


At about 8 or 9 years old, I got my lump or a dressing down with each passing day.Dad busied himself outside in the day time but began to take me to task for whatever Idid wrong at table after the supper. Mom and my elder sister took turns at telling on mefor hing made trouble here and there, so he would strap me like anything, leingmy arms a lot of bruises, so for this very reason I had to wear long-sleeve jacket in mychildhood.


So I was emotionally upset and disturbed in spite of just a 10-year-old kid, whothought, “I was indiscriminately beaten, so I would vent my spleen on other allerkids”. At that time, we lived in a neighborhood of the military residential quarters, so Iused to brawl with other kids in the neighborhood and Dad would deal me a heier blowthe next time.


It turned out that I completely lost control of this thong and found it impossible for meto concentrate on my lessons as I came to blows with other kids all day long. Everythingwent from bad to worse for me so much so that I couldn’t write out the English alphabet,nor could I do arithmetic. To make matters worse, I was sent into a reformatory school where I stayed remorsefully for two and a half years.


This time Dad shed bitter tears, simultaneously repentant of all he did me, sayingruthful, “Son, it is not that I don’t love you but that I should not he been soexasperated at your failure to live up to my expectations!”


Retiring from the army, he ge me 10,000 US dollars for a trip around the world.回来以后,他就说,读万卷书不如行万里路,现在你游历了世界,从今天开始劳动.

Upon getting back from this trip, he said to me, “Book knowledge is undoubtedlyvaluable but he who trels far and wide should know better at the time of your life. I guessyou are now fully prepared to get started for work.”


At 26, I started up Runhua Machinery Co., Ltd., which was later poorly performedand went bankrupt; it was not long before I started to engage in a dyestuff plant whichhappened to be blown up. At all these, my father only ge me such words, “SamuelYin, I will congratulate you on your being fortunately showered with the god-givensetbacks and failures, which should be chalked up to your life experience so that you willmake fewer mistakes in life.”



The Ph.D. graduation ceremony was grandly commenced at National ChengchiUniversity (NCCU) and my parents were honorably invited to show up. Dad didn’t saya single word in praise of me but cried bitterly again this time, and at this very moment,my mind was a turmoil of mixed emotions and I stood on the stage with warm tears welledup in my eyes: the first time you cried bitterly for my being a young hooligan, but this timeyou cried bitterly for my being a Ph.D.


Never he put my children right by resorting to force as I am sober-minded that I wasbeaten into behing indecently. I often say to my children, “Well done! A perfect jobyou’ve done. Now Daddy will give you thumbs up or pat you on the back!”



1、 《神的孩子全跳舞》中的救赎以善也与其母亲为例 一、前言神的孩子全跳舞是日本著名作家村上春树创作的一部短篇小说集 该作品由6 篇短篇小说组成,然后以第三篇小说神的孩子全跳舞作为书名 其内容取材于1995 年发生的两件震惊日本社会的事件阪神大地震和地.

2、 父亲的眼泪 许洪畅坦芒嘎腊经书上说孤独是人生常态,坟墓是人的天堂 岩温丙老人在病人出院申请单上签完字,医生才对他说“回去吧,她想吃什么,给她做点吃吃,人是好不了啦,只能这样 ”言下之意,.

3、 自我的救赎用弗洛伊德人格理论解读《时间悄悄的嘴脸》中的艾莎麻利 摘要时间悄悄的嘴脸以艾莎麻利和哈里的矛盾冲突及其最后的和好为主线,讲述了玉王人格转变过程中的撕裂与挣扎,本文笔者试图从弗洛伊德人格理论的角度来分析主人翁艾莎麻利坎坷的心路历程 关键词艾莎麻利;本我;超.

4、 论《肖申克的救赎》中美国个人价值观与其对当代美国人 摘 要电影肖申克的救赎是由斯蒂芬金的同名小说丽塔海沃斯和肖申克的救赎改编而成的 这部电影很好地描述了美国个人核心价值观,其影响了部分美国人 本文分析了美国的个人核心价值观及这部电影是如何来表达和呈现这.

5、 惩罚和救赎从《圣经》角度分析《洪疫之年》中的生态主义 摘要加拿大著名的女作家玛格丽特阿特伍德于2009年发表了洪疫之年 这部小说借用圣经意象,反映现实社会 通过人们所熟知的洪水, 诺亚方舟, 阿勒特山及亚当,夏娃……圣经故事,阿特伍德抨击了唯发展论及人类.

6、 从两面神思维到救赎史观本雅明历史唯物主义的神学根基 高山奎【摘要】犹太问题是本雅明思想探究的重要理论背景 在他的文学评论家之职业形象的外衣下,涌动着两股相互抵牾的思想立场历史唯物主义和犹太神学 本雅明的马克思主义并非进步史观意义上的历史唯物主义或法兰克.