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高考英语相关论文范文 跟高考英语书面表达中的中国元素有关电大毕业论文范文

分类:职称论文 原创主题:高考英语论文 发表时间: 2024-02-07



1.poetry ofthe Tang dynasty唐诗

2.A DreamofRed Man,sion,s《红楼梦》

3.The Journ,eytothe West<西游记》

4.Water Margin,《水浒传》

5.The Romance of the Three Kin,gdoms《三国演义》

6. Chinese New Year´s Eve/Eve ofthe Spring Festi-val除夕

7.Spring Festival scrolls春联


9.Chinese knots中国结

10. dumplings饺子

11. Tangyuan/rice dumplings元宵

12. Chinese Kung Fu( Chinese martial arts)中国功夫(中国武术)

13. Chinese characters汉字

14. cheongsam旗袍

15. Tai Chi太极拳

16. calligraphy书法

17. paper-cutting剪纸

18. Lantern Festival元宵节

19. Double-Ninth Festival重阳节

20. Tomb Sweeping Day清明节

21. chopsticks筷子

22. Beijing Opera (Peking Opera)京剧

23. lunar calendar农历

24. ancient China´s four great inventions中国的四大发明

25. papermaking, printing, gunpowder, and the compass造纸术、印刷术、和指南针

26. acupuncture针灸

27. crosstalk/comic dialogue相声

28. embroidery刺绣

29. Yangko秧歌

30. the Great Wall长城

31. Chinese tradition中国传统

32. Chinese social customs中国社会风俗

33. obtain /gain/ attain abundant knowledge of Chi-nese culture获得丰富的中国文化知识

34. play an extremely significant role in Chinese literature在中国文学中发挥着极其重要的作用

35. he a vital impact on the feudal society对封建社会有重大影响

36. the long splendid history of China中国悠久灿烂的历史

37. best represent China最能代表中国

38. cultivate capability of innovation培养创新能力

39. enjoy great popularity home and abroad深受国内外欢迎

40. as symbols of traditional Chinese culture作为中国传统文化的象征

41. appreciate the essence of splendid Chinese cul-ture欣赏中国灿烂文化的精髓

42. further promote the traditional Chinese culture进一步弘扬中国传统文化

43. continue to carry forward fine Chinese culture继续弘扬中国优秀文化

44. as the soul of Chinese culture作为中国文化的精髓

45. he a profound/ deep effect /impact/influenceon对……有深刻的影响







参考范文Dear Leslie.

How´s everything going?I´m writing to inform youof the schedule ofour next Chinese class.

I intend to give the class at my home on March 15and teach you poetry of the Tang dynasty,a unique sym-bolof traditional Chinese culture. It´s of great signifi-cance. Not only will it enable you to attain abundantknowledge of Chinese language but also appreciate theessence of splendid Chinese culture. Before the nextclass,it would be better if you he a brief understandingof the Tang dynasty´s history ,which will help you betterunderstand and enjoy the poems.

Do let me know if you need to change the schedule.


Li Hua

(2017年高考全国卷二)假定你是李华,想邀请外教Henry -起参观中国剪纸(paper-cutting)艺术展.请给他写封邮件,内容包括:




参考范文Dear Henry,

I am writing to invite you to visita paper-cutting ex-hibition about traditional Chinese festivals.

As scheduled,the exhibition will be held in ourcity´s museum from 9 a.m. t0 7 p.m. from June 15th to18th. The works of the distinguished paper-cuttingartists from all over China will be on display. Besides,some outstanding paper-cutting works from the middleschool students in our city will also be exhibited.I re-member you he told me you are looking forward tolearning more about traditional Chinese culture. Thus ,inthe exhibition,not only can you appreciate the uniqueskills of these paper-cutting artists,but also you canknow more about the customs of our traditional culturefrom these beautiful works.

1 would appreciate it if you accept my invitation.I´m sure it can leea wonderfulimpression on you! I´mlooking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua




1、 高三学生如何衔接出更好的英语书面表达 姚叶红(吴县中学,江苏 苏州 215151)【摘 要】高三学生在写作中往往会忽略语篇之间的衔接 作者就自己任教班级的学生在写作练习中所出现的问题进行了分析,在此基础上制定对策并且进行训练,最终证明利用.

2、 中国元素在3D黄梅戏动画中的表达和文化内涵以3D动画作品《天仙配》为例 【摘 要】本文围绕3D黄梅戏动画作品天仙配为文本,对在动画创作过程中的角色设计、剧本进行梳理,并对作品中中国元素的使用进行分析,思考在中国艺术生态下中国元素的使用,对中国传统文化的传承与弘扬的意义与启.

3、 提高初中生英语书面表达能力的方法 【摘要】初中生学习英语,除了要掌握英语知识外,还要形成良好的英语语感和英语运用能力 口语表达和书面表达做为英语运用领域的两大主要内容,一直备受英语专家和广大一线英语教师的关注 结合自己多年的英语教学经.

4、 2019年高考英语全国卷二作文评析 2017年高考英语全国卷二仍然注重作文的实际交际功能,即坚持实用的原则 作文的话题是邀请外教参观剪纸艺术展,凸显中国元素,内容开放性大,需要考生发挥自己的想象力 对想要得高分的考生来说,需要能结合要点.

5、 书面表达预测题 预测题一假定你是李华,你校汉服社在征集有关汉服设计的意见,要求将中国元素融入设计中,你打算投稿阐述自己的设计理念,要点如下1.投稿的意图2.表示想将“长城”“熊猫&.

6、 突破高考英语阅读理解高分瓶颈策略 摘要高考英语阅读理解题常设置无中生有、偷梁换柱、瞒天过海、指鹿为马、反客为主……陷阱,考生需要认清这些陷阱,摒除干扰,找到正确选项,从而快速提高阅读理解题的解题能力,突破高分瓶颈 关键词阅读理解;设题.