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分类:毕业论文 原创主题:霍克斯论文 发表时间: 2024-03-17









My four weeks in McLaren Vale not only allowed me to visit otherwineries, but also to explore the region.

The last time I was in Gimblett Grels was three years ago in2015 when I did a harvest at Unison Vineyard. I was only there forthree weeks and left after all the grapes were picked. Therefore it waitting that I went back to Unison during my extended winemakingjourney but this time for post harvest work. I arrived two days after thelast Cabernet Sauvignon was picked.

There is still plenty to do after grapes are picked, especially forred wine. My work included punching down, pressing, lots of racking,barrel work and blending trials. It was less frantic but still heaps tolearn - how long should post fermentation maceration last and whento press; what to look for at blending, effective barrel stirring .... allunder the guidance of highly-regarded consultant winemaker JennyDobson and owner Philip Horn.

Unison is a boutique winery with just over 40 tons of grapesprocessed this vintage. Working in a all cellar is totally differentfrom working in a bigger one. It is more relaxed because everythingis in a much aller scale but it also means we he no one to passthe jobs to. More importantly, we need to be much more careful notto make any mistakes that may lead to unnecessary wastage or worst,ruin a batch of wine. After all, a litre of wine means a lot more to aall winery than a big one. We even put leftover samples back intanks/barrels rather than chucking them down to the drain. I learnt toappreciate and se every single drop of wine.

Gimblett Grels is a sub-region of Hawkes Bay that lies on theeast coast of North Island of New Zealand. As the name implies, thesoil is composed on a mixture of stones, grels and sand. Unlikemost vine-growing regions, Gimblett Grels (and in fact mostHawkes Bay) is largely flat but this free-draining grelly soil enablesthe region to produce world-class wine. About 90% of vines are redvarieties with Merlot leading the pack, followed by Syrah, CabernetSauvignon and other Bordeaux varieties. Merlot dominated Bordeauxblend is the jewel of the region but I think their Syrah, with the elegantcool climate pepper character combined with ripe dark fruits aromas,is the star. Depending on producers, Gimblett Grels Syrah can befruit-forward and accessible when young or refined, soury withageing potential.

Unison’s Syrah is of the latter style. Its current release is 2013vintage. Philip kindly organised a vertical tasting of his Syrah from2013 to the just bottled 2016 for me and it was fascinating. Theoak regime was slightly different in each year but the wine certainlyreflected the climatic condition of the year. 2014 and 2016 werewarmer and both wines he good concentration while 2015, being acooler year, resulted in a more fragrant and slightly softer wine. I lovethe 2015 probably because I was there picking and processing thegrapes!

Unison also makes a all amount of white wine from sourcedgrapes. This year there are six barrels of Chardonnay which I ferventlystirred every other day, and a all tank of Pinot Gris. Because ofdifferent fermentation techniques, the wines he totally differentbut equally lovely texture. I found that Unison wine tends to be morerestrained in general probably because Jenny has lived and madewine in Bordeaux for some 20 years.



1、 死亡和重生马克思恩斯特作品中的炼金术意象 沈文婷摘要德国艺术家马克思恩斯特是20世纪现代艺术极为重要的艺术家 他不仅是科隆达达的先驱,同时也是超现实主义艺术领军人物 他的作品题材充满幻想的神秘,他的表现方式打破了传统的表现手段,运用大量的拼贴.

2、 马可波罗的寿命比马尔克斯长(组诗) 张晚禾,生于1990年4月,浙江丽水人,祖籍福建 现居北京,供职于某报社 2006年开始写诗,也写过影评专栏及剧本 浙江省作协会员,曾参加首届人民文学“新浪潮”诗会,入选浙江省.

3、 等信的马尔克斯 文申赋渔马尔克斯又到楼下的门房去问有没有他的信 没有 他给所有的朋友都写了信, 没有一个人回他 他打开床头的抽屉, 里面已经没有一分钱 1956 年, 他被派往欧洲后, 他供职的哥伦比亚观察家报 .

4、 大卫霍克尼问鼎最贵在世艺术家 纽约佳士得在11月15日举行的“战后及当代艺术晚间”专场中,以不设底价的方式出售英国著名艺术家大卫·霍克尼于1972年创作的艺术家肖像 这幅画一经落槌,就将决定&.

5、 有一种,叫奥克斯 2018年7月28日,在北京瑞得万赛车场召开了一场融合了多种时尚元素,倍受高端年轻消费群热捧的狂欢party——AUX超跑红竞速趴暨8 1奥克斯京东“超级品牌日&r.