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关于带来论文怎么写 和一块手表带来的变化类硕士论文开题报告范文

分类:论文范文 原创主题:带来论文 发表时间: 2024-04-08


Three months ago I was a slob (不修边幅的人) bythe very definition. I acted like a slob, dressed like aslob,and felt like a slob. I was _41 and it looked like Ididn´t he much future by any 42 . I was the kind ofguythatwouldendup 43 doinganything.

I was on my computer and saw an ad for a(n) 44watch. I had nothing to lose so I _45 0ne. The watch ar-rived a week or two later. Opening the package,lcouldn ´t believe how _46 itlooked. As I slipped it on mywrist I had a dose of reality hit me. This watch that I gotfor free looked better than any other piece of apparel Iowned. That thought was in the back of my mind for therest of the week until Saturday. I decided I need to put alittle moneyinto my 47 . On Saturday,l did alittle read-ing to find out how to _48 better,made notes of excellent_49 andwentshopping.

That dayl 50 a couple ofshirts and ajacket.ln the 51 0fthe next couple ofweeks ,I began to take more andmore note of my appearance. When I began to dress alit-tle nicer,l felt better. I became _52 to this feeling andbegan taking better care ofmyself.l started 53 makingnotes of what I ate and how much water I drank per day.These little changes began to make a big 54 . I noticedmy confidence starting t0 55 . I bought more clothingthat fit well and looked good.

I began to exercise ,first some sit-ups and jumping , 56 by a all run around the block. At the beginning ofMay I bought my first gym membership.

I hesitated a little at first but began to enjoy it moreand more. I he changed my health habits ,my appear-ance and my 57 .1 he ambitions now andl am going to_58 them!

Even the allest things can serve as a (n) 59 to wake you up. Make all changes for the better every dayand 60 you will become a better human being in your eyes and all those around.

41. A. unmotivated B. unsatiied

C. unconcerned

D. uninformed

42. A. memory B. force

C. contrast D. means 43.A.in



D.for 44.A.public B.advanced C.original D.free

45. A. wanted B. ordered

C. afforded D. prepared

46. A. erage B. expensive

C. accurate

D. attractive

47. A. appearance B. pocket

C.identity D. expression 48.A.develop B.behe C.dress D.hold

49. A. arrangement B. advice

C. progress D.introduction

50. A. brought out B. handed out

C. took up

D. picked up

51.A.case B.face C.course D.name

52. A. accustomed B. attached

C.limited D. choked

53. A. humedly B. surprisingly

C. steadily D. expectedly

54. A. difference B. notice

C. choice D. reference 55.A.fall B.apply C.seize D.build

56. A. noticed B. accompanied

C. followed D. examined

57. A. consideration

B. attitude

C. effort D. skill

58. A. achieve B. require

C. oid

D. intend

59. A.idea B. call C.influence


60. A. eventually B. occasionally

C. merely D. traditionally


41.答案为A.根据前面的Iwas aslob和后面的it looked like I didn´the much future可知,“我”是一个没有目标的人,故用unmotivated.

42.答案为D.根据前面的didn´the much future by any可知,是not…by any means固定搭配,意思是“根本不,绝不”.


44.答案为D.根据下文的had noth-ing to lose,再结合选项可知,这是一块“免费”的手表.

45.答案为B.这块手表是免费的,再根据后文的Opening the package可知,作者在网上“*”了.



48.答案为C.根据下文的went shopping和acouple of shirts anda jacket可知,作者读了一些怎样“打扮”自己的书.

49.答案为B.根据前面的dida little reading可知,作者读了一些书,从中找到了一些打扮自己的“建议”.

50.答案为D.根据语境可知,作者买了一些衣服,因此用pick up表示“得到”.

51.答案为C.固定短语in/over the course of表示“在……期间”.

52.答案为B.根据语境可知,作者一打扮,心情好了,并渐渐地“迷恋上”这种感觉,用attached to.


54.答案为A.make a difference是固定短语,表示“有影响,起作用”.




58.答案为A.achieve the ambition表示“达到或实现目标”.

59.答案为B.根据后文的wake youup可知,用call表示“呼唤”.




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