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绿色方面学士学位论文范文 跟绿色旅行类学士学位论文范文

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:绿色论文 发表时间: 2024-01-27


We all love treling,especially treling abroad.A new concept which is catching on slowly is green trelto reduce our carbon footprint. Here are some good tipor us to be a green treler when we trel abroad.

Pack Light

Make sure that you pack only what you need. Theamount of air traffic fuel consumed by the plane isdirectly related to the total amount of baggage thatis going to be put aboard. So you may as well packlight and make an effort to reduce fuel consump-tion. The ermssions from flights contribute to al-most 2% of green house gases globally.

Use Public Transport

Once you reach your destination,try to use publictransport to get to the list ofplaces you plan to visit. Usingpublic transport is good for the environment.

Reuse and Recycle

During your trel,make sure that you keep theidea of recycling and reusing in mind. For example ,in-stead of buying bottled water, you can purchase your ownbottle and simply refillit. This will not only help you semoney,but will also help reduce the trash that you makeon the place you are visiting.

Go for an Ecotour

Nowadays a lot of ecotours are being organizedwhich take you to slightly offbeat destinations and giveyou a true experience of the local life. In such tours youmay stay in a local home ,pay a visit to a cheese factory totry your hands at making some cheese yourself,and go tothe countryside. In this way you can get to know the localculture and get yourselfcloser to nature.

Volunteer Work

If you are staying in an area for a long time , you canalso devote some of your time to volunteer work. Agri-cultural work is a type of volunteer work that you can of-fer. This will not just help the environment ,but can evenbring food on the plates ofmany people.

Buy Ecofriendly Souvenirs

Instead of buying souvenirs made from materialsharmful for the environment such as plastic but fromnatural materials such as cotton and clay.

Let´s go green, and trel green to make the world abetter place 1

1. Why should we pack light when going trelingaccording to the 2nd paragraph?

A. To trel around the world easily.

B. To reduce the emission of green house gases ofthe plane.

C. To be more convenient when using publictransport.

D. To buy more souvenirs when returning.

2. To be a green treler we should do the followingthings EXCEPT~—

A. taking public transport rather than a private car

B.going for an ecotour

C. hing an idea of recycling and reusing

D.buying green souvenirs made from plastic

3. The passage mainly tells us~—

A. how to be a green treler

B. the meaning of being a green treler

C. green trelis of great importance to the envi-ronment

[1. how to choose your destinations








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