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大学类毕业论文题目范文 跟大学你好,妈妈再见?相关电大毕业论文范文

分类:论文范文 原创主题:大学论文 发表时间: 2024-03-20


  Since I can remember, it’s been just my mom and me at home, except on weekends and holidays when I visit my dad. Sometimes my mom and I are best friends. At other times, we argue over simple things like the fact that I eat standing up, or more complex things like how I spend money.

  But our laughs and good times out number the bad times. Our deep conversations usually involve her telling me about all the opportunities I he that she didn’t he when she was younger.

  My mother was a teen parent, giving birth to me a month after her 16th birthday. She ended up dropping out of high school. She went to a vocational school, and is now doing better than a lot of people she knew growing up. I’ve always looked up to her because she knew that she needed to work hard and she did, for both of us.

  However, I do think that in some ways my mom lives vicariously through me. Since I was a child, she’s been telling me never to lose track of school. Once, in 6th or 7th grade, I told her I wasn’t interested in going to college and she was pretty disappointed, and then tried to force me to change my mind.

“What do you mean, ‘Not interested in college’?You he to go! You need to he an education so you can he a good job and be succesul. How do you expect to do that without college? I don’t care what you say—you are going and that’s that.”

  I laughed and agreed. In fact, I was totally motivated to do well in school. I’d just said this to see her reaction, and it was as I’d expected.

  When senior year came around, I was excited to fill out college applications. I did pretty well on the SAT, and received acceptances from almost all of the 26 colleges I applied to. Suddenly it was real: I was getting that chance that my mom didn’t he. Everything was going according to plan—except that I felt torn about whether I should lee home for college.

  When I started applying, I was set on going away. One part of the whole“college experience” I’ve dreamed of is staying up all night, extra-large coffee in hand, hing a group study session for finals. I’m excited about the feeling of knowing that you’re surrounded by people who want the same things you do and are working just as hard. I also like the idea of doing whatever I want with my free time, without hing to check in with my mom or anyone else.

  Yet, once the acceptance letters told me it was decision time, I found myself struggling with doubt and guilt about leing my mom alone. When we’d first started discussing college choices she would say, kind of aggressively,“You’re staying in the city, right? I don’t he enough money for you to go away.” I explained to her that options like financial aid would help me pay for school. She had no response, which usually means that she feels defeated but won’t admit it.

  In the past, she’d told me, quite clearly, that she wouldn’t know what to do without me around. I wondered if she was using finances to mask the real reason she didn’t want me to lee, which was that she’d miss me. On other occasions, she promised to make my lunch every day if I stayed in the city. I was tempted by thoughts of all the money I’d se, and of my mom’s cooking, which I love. But mostly I felt guilty and concerned about her.

  I’m her only child and I worried that my leing would make her extremely sad. While researching schools, I also looked into something called “empty-nest syndrome.”It’s when a child lees home and the parent becomes depressed. I feared that this would happen to my mom. She’s always told me that I’m the only person she has, and I know she means it. She has a few relatives, but no one she can really depend on. I know she relies on me for emotional support when she’s down.

  I worried, too, that going away might add tension to our relationship. If I don’t call or visit because I he things on my plate, she may feel like I’m too busy for her. I was even afraid of going away and loving it too much, in which case she’d feel I was glad to be out of the house. I didn’t want to hurt her.

  In spite of all my concerns, though, I eventually made up my mind to go away. I realized that if I stayed close to home, I’d feel like I missed out on the complete college experience, which might lee me frustrated, regretful, or even resentful of my mom.

  Once my mom saw I was determined to move out, she fully supported my decision. She wants me to be happy, and even though I know she’s a little sad, she’s also excited for me to experience this new life. That’s why I always rely on my mom: In the end, she always puts my interests above her own, and I know she just wants what’s best for me.

  Of course, I want her to be happy too, and that’s why I hope she’ll start to think about her own goals, not just mine. We sometimes talk about what our respective futures could look like if we are diligent and focused. Once, my mom planned on becoming a nurse, but hing a child halted that. When we he serious conversations, I usually encourage her to go back to school and study whatever she’d love to see herself doing in a few years. I know that if she goes after her dreams, she’ll be proud of herself.

  She seems to agree, and I think she’s seriously considering further education. If she goes after her goals, it’ll encourage me to go after mine that much more. It will make us both happy and proud to know that she did it.

  It’s time for me to start my adult life. This change was going to come sooner or later and I believe that it’ll make my relationship with my mom stronger instead of weaker—especially if we can follow our dreams at the same time, and inspire each other in the process.





















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